Our policy does not affect your rights under the Consumer Rights Act 2015
a) Who does not follow our salon policy/risk assessment related to the pandemic.
b) Who uses abuse language or threatening behaviour.
c) Who will be a risk to themselves or cause risk to our staff should they use a service (in respect of the Equal Opportunities Act and Disability Act).
8. For appointment only:
a) Customers should arrive on time.
b) If the customer is 10 minutes late or more the appointment may have to be rescheduled.
c) Salon may be late due to service overrun, please bear this in mind.
d) Any cancellations should be informed 24-48 hours before the appointment otherwise there will be a charge for late cancellation.
Customer must follow the Aftercare for the service
Customer must inform us by phone, text or email
No cash refunds will be given after you have left the salon. As soon as you have walked out the salon door that means you have accepted and are happy with the service provided to your nails.
We recognise the importance of service and set ourselves high standards. Should there be an occasion when we do not meet your expectations, we are equally committed to dealing with any complaint in a thorough and professional manner.
We consider a complaint to be any oral or written notification of dissatisfaction about a service we have provided, offered or withheld.
A complaint can be made by any client, or potential client, to whom we have provided a service, or by a representative acting lawfully on their behalf.
You can make a complaint by contacting us by any of the following means:
We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days once we received it.
If you have made your complaint to us orally, we will confirm to you our understanding of this and ask you to advise us if you do not agree.
We will ask you to fill the Complaint form with your full details. If you refuse to give us this information, we will not be able to carry on to deal with your complaint.
Your complaint will be investigated by a manager/ salon owner who is not directly or indirectly the subject matter of the complaint.
In order to reach a fair conclusion we will review the relevant information available to us, which will include all records on our files along with a report from the individual to whom the complaint relates.
We will endeavour to complete our investigation and reach a conclusion as soon as is possible. The length of time this will take will be determined by the complexity of the complaint and the extent of the investigation required. But we will try our best to resolve the complaint within 8 weeks.
Once we have completed our investigation we will write or inform you setting out the results of this and explain our conclusion. If having received our final response you do not agree with some or all of our conclusions then you may contact ve further, by any of the means described above, in order that we can review our investigation in light of your further comments.